Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intergrated Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Intergrated Marketing Communication - Essay Example In this study, the principles of ELM shall be discussed in line with the management of marketing communications of Jacob’s Creek with respect to its red wine labels. The primary concerned is understanding and appreciating how ELM is significant to the promotional and advertising schemes of the consumer organization identified. It is also the aim of this study to identify improvements to the persuasion strategies based on ELM concepts through the identification and determination of important variables that facilitate a positive response (i.e. purchase and referral). According to Petty and Cacioppo (1986), the developers of the ELM, attitude change can occur via two routes of influence depending on the degree of information processing or elaboration. The first is the ‘central route’ where the process of attitude change involves considerable cognitive effort to scrutinize and evaluate the arguments of the message being communicated (i.e. high elaboration likelihood). This condition usually occurs when people processing the arguments are highly motivated, deeply concerned or highly able to process the subject. The other route, called ‘peripheral route’, is where attitude change occurs with minimal effort to evaluate and understand the merits of the arguments (i.e. low elaboration likelihood). This usually happens when there is minimal motivation for the person to go into details or when there is insufficient reference to draw upon. Many models using the basic principles of ELM have been developed by consumer behaviour researchers. High elaboration likelihood state has been termed as ‘systematic processing’ and the other state being called ‘heuristic processing/use of simplifying decision rules’ (Venkataramani Johar, Maheswaran, & Peracchio, 2006). According to Tam & Ho (2005, para. 18), systematic processing occurs when the person is knowledgeable and capable to assess the quality of the message. Chen & Lee (2008) describes people using

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